3 – 1

tides keeping moon time
unmoored dreams floating freely
magic cast on waves
©  D Avery 2018

D Avery is learning to tap the internet and invites you to her blog, Shiftnshake, a place where she pours flash fiction and shots of poetry for online sampling. This is her first appearance at Pure Haiku.

I liked the connection to the moon in this haiku, and the magical atmosphere the writer’s words produced.
This haiku is part of my OCEAN series.

7 Responses to 3 – 1

  1. […] was recently featured at Pure Haiku, one of my haiku being chosen to represent Freya’s theme of Ocean. That new association got me an […]

  2. Thank you so much Freya and your readers for featuring my haiku here. I have been enjoying this series and all your featured guests.

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