Stop Press!

15 November, 2023

Today I am launching my fourth poetry collection, Vampirical Verse!

In this volume I explore the fall out from cancer and chemotherapy, how it has dramatically changed everything in my life.

Feeling empty and feeling nothing are common symptoms of any trauma and the way I processed such a lack of emotion was to identify with the Vampire. Through these varied poems, I cathartically express the confusion in my body, soul and mind.

Walk with me a while. See how your trauma can be faced head on and experienced so that you emerge a stronger, more determined person.

Vampirical Verse is available at:

Watch the book trailer on YouTube and see/listen to my spoken word poetry performances of 6 of the poems in the collection HERE.

Would you like to have your latest or forthcoming poetry collection mentioned here on Pure Haiku?

If you have had at least one haiku either already published by Pure Haiku or accepted for publication in 2024, you can email me at with MY NEW POETRY BOOK and your name in the subject line. Simply tell me about your book in one sentence, provide me with the publication date and at least one purchase link for the e-book. Your book needs to be published between 1st November 2023 and 30th April 2024. The next Stop Press post will be scheduled for 15th April 2024.

Please don’t submit any links for anthologies – you need to be the sole author of the poems within the book. Please DON’T send me any book covers or any attachments at all. Any unrequested attachments will mean the email will end up in my spam folder and won’t be read.